Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cool May, Warm Beverage

        I don't typically drink hot beverages in May, it's usually too warm. This May, however, has had a few cool days, due to cold fronts making it far enough south. Thankfully, thunderstorms develop as well and bring coveted rain to the area. It's raining this morning. I have the windows open letting the cool breeze in and listening to the melody of the storms. I love that song, many nights I've fallen asleep to it, this morning, I'm soaking it up like the parched soil.

        Like I said earlier, I don't normally have hot beverages this late in the spring, but the cool morning lent itself to wearing my favorite blue sweater my Grandmother gave me, and a hot cup of apple cider. I began sipping on the cider, but it just tasted like warm water. I stirred it some and the flavor rose to the top to meet me, and the fragrance filled the air. Then a question was asked of me, do you need stirring? Are you so watered down that you need your affections stirred to be flavorful?

        It's Wednesday and I typically attend a low impact fitness class called BodyFlow. It warms all my muscle and then stretches them out before relaxing. It's likely my favorite class, and I don't often get to attend these days having had all my shifts moved to mornings. This Wednesday morning, just before leaving I knew I needed to stay. I sat at my coffee table drinking a stirred cup of hot apple cider, having my own affections stirred my God. I don't spend near the amount of time or energy memorizing His Word. I did this morning, I am so grateful to be lead by such a gracious God.

Do you need your affections stirred?

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